Thursday, November 8, 2012

This crazy, hectic, messy life...

I'm exhausted. My workout today was tough and long. The lady that cleans our house is coming tomorrow and it was a wreck. We ate McDonald's for dinner. Gregg's at a work dinner. Did I mention I'm exhausted...

What could've been one heck of a rough evening has turned into anything but...

As we were cleaning the playroom tonight we ran across some old books- I got to listen to Connor read some of his favorite old stories to Cowen and it was the most precious thing! He- in his true little teacher fashion- would stop and explain the story along the way. Cowen would just laugh and loved every second! Then little momma Brynn helped Cowen take a shower, at just the right temperature, taking special care not to get water in his eyes! ;)

As Cowen was helping me hang up laundry later, he said "I helped you Mommy, that's because I'm special! I'm special because I have Lilly Kate in my heart." No clue how any of that relates to each other but I don't really care!! It is so special to know he still thinks about her and feels her with us too!

Now as I sit here listening to the them laugh as they play on the computer together, I just can't help but smile! So thankful for this crazy, hectic, messy life... And the moments of joy I discover in the midst of it all!

Friday, November 2, 2012

And the Winner is...

Wilbur from the Honeybees Class!
Cowen's preschool, Woodland Academy, does a special fundraiser every year- Pennies for Pumpkins. Each class decorates a pumpkin and people can vote on their favorite pumpkin with donations. The money goes to a charity, Hannah's HOPE, whose mission is to Help Others Pay Expenses while their children are fighting cancer.  The kids have fun and learn about being the 'hands and feet of Jesus.' Good stuff! :)

Why Wilbur, you might ask?? Why yes, Cowen's preschool class IS reading Charlotte's Web! :) Cowen LOVES it! He will tell you exactly when they met Charlotte- "Chapter 5 on Tuesday!" It is the cutest thing! Woodland is an incredible place and SUCH a blessing to our family!

Conferences, carpools, costumes, & carnivals!

We have had a busy week at the Eide house! Whoever decided parent teacher conferences should be during Halloween week obviously does not have children- exhausting! But we sure did make the most of it. The good news is we had a great time carving pumpkins, going to Brynn's school carnival, and hanging out with friends...
 Connor and his creeper pumpkin... No clue what it is- something from one of his video games! ;)
 Brynn is loving all things Greek Mythology-related so she made a trident... I think?! ;)
Cowen has the most sensitive sense of smell EVER! He had to go in the other room while Daddy carved his Super Man pumpkin because he was gagging! (The final products looked great- Daddy always does an awesome job... but mom of the year here forget to get a picture. Geez.)

The sad news is I have come to the realization that I have big kids. Like for real. I didn't even get pictures of them before they headed out to trick or treat with their friends. : (  I know thy had way more fun with their friends and of course I'm so glad but-and I'd never thought I'd say this-but I miss the days of dragging little ones all over creation to squeeze in all the Halloween fun there is to be had...
Besides missing the big kids we had a perfect Halloween! We hung out in our 'hood with our favorite neighbors and some great friends. Captain America Cowen had a blast running around with his buddies! Afterwards, we brought the party back to our house and had a ball!
 (Holly took this one of Cowen when she was in town! Thank you, Lala!)
Brynn was Annabeth from her favorite book series- Percy Jackson and the Olympians.
Connor was an Angry Bird again this year but again- mom of the year didn't get a picture. Honestly don't think he was too disappointed though! ;)

In the past, Halloween has been rough for me because it's the day we found out Lilly Kate was sick. This year I was determined to make it a good day. As I was reading a Halloween story to my students on Wednesday, someone decided to pop in and say hello! ;)  Made. My. Day!!!!